Pelaburan @ Skim Cepat Kaya

Pelaburan @ Skim Cepat Kaya
Ramai orang yang ingin cepat Berjaya didalam hidup. Dalam erti kata lain ingin hidup senang dengan cepat. Tidak mahu menunggu dan memulakan dari bawah.
Dunia sekarang ramai yang terpedaya dengan ‘Janji Manis’ dari syarikat yang menawarkan pulangan yang berlipat kali ganda dan membuatkan anda diluar sana ‘Ghairah’ untuk mengambil jalan pintas.
Pada masa yang sama, mereka tidak sedar yang langkah mudah ini hanya akan menjerat diri sendiri.
Apabila wang lesap sekelip mata, baru mereka sedar bahawa mereka ditipu oleh Skim Cepat Kaya dan mula membuat andaian kepada semua syarikat yang berdaftar dan dipercayai bahawa mereka juga ‘Skim Cepat Kaya’.
Kenapa tidak menggunakan informasi yang telah dibekalkan kepada kita?
Sekarang kan semua ‘Di Hujung Jari Anda’ termasuklah Teknologi Maklumat. Siap fenomena ‘Viral’ itu memang popular pada masa kini.
Masing-masing mempunyai hak untuk menilai.
Tetapi bagaimanakah cara untuk kita tidak terjebak dengan ‘Scammer @ Skim Cepat Kaya’ ini?
Kami ingin kongsikan bersama anda untuk mengelakkan dari menjadi mangsa pelaburan @skim cepat kaya yang sedang berleluasa masa kini.
Sources :

Illegal Internet Investment Scheme
Illegal Internet Investment Scheme is a variation of illegal deposit taking activities which employs the use of internet (e.g: through emails and websites) as a primary channel for interaction, communication and transaction of business engaged in fund management and investment advice without any licence.
Illegal investment schemes are those companies or individuals that are dealing in securities, trading in future contracts, and providing fund management services and investment advice and related to securities or futures without being licensed by the Securities Commission under the Capital Markets & Services Act 2007
In addition, fund managers are required to hold a fund manager’s licence under Section 15C of the Securities Industry Act 1983.
What are the characteristics?
With the Internet becoming a common part of daily life, it should be no surprise that fraudsters have made cyberspace a prime hunting ground for new victims.
The Internet has made it simple for fraudsters to reach out to millions of potential victims at minimal cost.
Many of the online scams we see today are merely modified versions of old schemes that have been used to fleece offline investors for years.
How it’s done?
- Operators of illegal internet investment schemes lure unsuspecting victims to make on-line investments or receive investment advice online, by offering investment opportunities above a market rate of return and will claim that their schemes are at zero or very low risk.
- When questioned, most illegal operators will either claim to be foreign operators that do not require licenses from Malaysian regulators to operate their business, or claim that they already have the appropriate license from relevant authorities/regulators.
- Unsuspecting victims of these schemes would be enticed as operators will pay them high returns at the initial stage and this is used as a tactic to lure and recruit new investors.
- The survival of this scheme is dependent upon the recruitment of new depositors, i.e., funds obtained from new depositors will be used in paying dividends to the existing depositors. Therefore, the scheme will fail when there is no contribution of funds from new depositors; and
- However, the operator will eventually abscond with deposits collected when he feels that the scheme is about to fail, thus leaving the depositors at the losing end.
- These operators are not licensed to receive deposits by Bank Negara Malaysia or licensed to offer investment advice from the Securities Commission related to fund management, securities and futures.
How to Protect Yourself?
- Remember the golden rule – if it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a lie;
- Deal only with licensed financial institutions and authorised dealers;
- Check with the relevant authorities before investing/ depositing;
- Don’t be pressured or rushed to invest;
- Be extra careful with investments over the internet;
- Be sceptical of any investment opportunity that is not in writing; and
- In case an investment has been made, keep copies of all the investment and communications
See on this link.
How to detect an illegal scheme?
Members of the public are advised to be careful and not fall prey to these schemes. Be alert and look out for the following common features of these illegal schemes:
- The approach by the operators may have been made by mail, telephone, Internet or in person, but the intention is always the same, that is, to take money from unsuspecting victim for goods or services that they have no intention to provide.
- Schemes which promise interest rates, returns or profits, which are much higher than the returns offered by licensed financial institutions for their deposits.
- The promises of high returns are aimed at attracting the members of the public to participate in the schemes and the investors may not be given copies of any documentation including agreements by the operators.
- There is also no assurance that the operators of such schemes can continue to pay the high returns.
- At the beginning of such schemes, the operators are able to use money received from subsequent depositors to pay high returns or to repay the principal amount to the earlier depositors.
- However, the operators could not invest the deposits in equally or more lucrative ventures or investments and therefore unable to sustain the high returns or repayment promised to their depositors.
Please note that these schemes will fail eventually when there are no new deposits being continually received by the operators. At such time, the “get-rich-quick” schemes will collapse and the depositors or investors will lose their investments.
For more info, read on this site.
What is a “Get-Rich-Quick” scheme?
A plan which offers high or unrealistic rates of return for a smallinvestment while at the same time promising that such investment is easy and risk -free.
The following “Get-Rich-Quick” schemes are prohibited under the legislation administered by Bank Negara Malaysia :
Illegal Deposit Taking Activities
Illegal deposit taking is an act of receiving, taking or accepting of deposits (moneys, precious metal, precious stone, any other article etc.) from members of the public that promises a repayment with interest or returns in money or money’s worth without a valid licence under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA).
Illegal Foreign Currency Dealings
The following acts tantamount to illegal foreign currency dealings:
- Buying or selling of foreign currency by a person who is not an authorized dealer unless such person has obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA).
- Buying or selling of foreign currency by a resident who is not an authorised dealer, with a person outside Malaysia except if the resident has obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the ECA.
CAUTION: Internet Investment SchemesMembers of the public are cautioned to be on guard against some investment schemes promoted on the internet as these schemes are not licensed or authorized by Bank Negara Malaysia to accept deposits or deal in foreign currency. Such schemes often come in the guise of attractive investment returns or opportunities involving unrealistic rates of returns with zero to low risk. Investors are reminded that they should only place deposits withinstitutions licensed or deal in foreign currency with institutions authorised by the Bank. Unlicensed operators may cease operating their business resulting in the investors with no means to recover their investments or seek redress against thepersons connected with the scheme. |
How To Spot The Scams?
Illegal deposit taking scam
- The person (an individual, a company or an organisation) receives, takes or accepts deposits from members of the public and is not licensed under section 6(4) of the BAFIA;
- The person promises to repay the deposit, with or without interest or returns, over a period of time in the form of money or money’s worth, etc.; and
- The person promises to repay the initial deposit upon demand or at a time or in circumstances agreed by or on behalf of the person making the payment and the person receiving it, with any consideration in money or money’s worth (the repayment of initial deposit is sometimes included in the fixed interest or returns promised).
How To Protect Yourself From The Scams?
- Remember the golden rule – if it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a lie;
- Deal only with licensed financial institutions and authorized dealers;
- Check with the relevant authority before investing;
- Don’t be pressured or rushed to invest;
- Be extra careful with investments over the internet;
- Be skeptical of any investment opportunity that is not in writing; and
- In case an investment has been made, keep copies of all the investment and communications.
Read more on this site.
Tips on Financial Issues for the Public and Consumers
Read the terms and conditions of a contract carefully
You have to read and understand the terms and conditions of an agreement/contract for any loan or investment related product prior to signing any related documents.
Responsibilities of a guarantor
You have to understand the responsibilities and obligations of a guarantor. Guarantors are legally bound to make repayment if the borrower fails to settle the loan.
Disclosure of financial information
Do not disclose your financial information such as account number, credit card number, password and other personal particulars to third parties either via telephone, e-mails or any links in websites.
Transactions at ATM machines
Do not allow third parties to make transactions at ATM machines on your behalf, even to those whom you know such as your spouse.
Credit card transactions
Credit cards should be used as a payment instrument and utilisation should be within your means. Please verify the amount swiped after each credit card transaction and make sure the card returned belongs to you. ?
Submission of documents
Be cautious before submitting photocopies of your identification card or passport to third parties, other than to financial institutions or lawyers acting on your behalf.
Internet banking facilities
Do not be deceived into opening an internet banking account in order to win prizes or inheritance from an unknown party. This could be a scam! If you have already done so, contact and report to your bank and to the police immediately for their further action, also keep Bank Negara Malaysia informed.
Memory cache function
Do make sure that you have log-out properly after using the internet banking and clear the memory cache after completing the transactions.
Read the policy contract carefully
You have to read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy upon receiving the policy contract from insurance companies. You are given 15 daysfrom the date of receipt to scrutinise contents of the policy. Use this opportunity to validate the information and evaluate whether the policy suits your requirement. Understand the limitations or the exemption clauses. Please contact the insurance company or its agents for further explanation, if necessary.
Importance of disclosure
You must disclose all material facts in your application form completely. If your agent fills up the application form on your behalf, please read and understand the requirements in the form prior to signing the form. Failure to do so could cause your insurance policy to be terminated or the insurance company might repudiate your claims.??
Purchase of insurance policy
You can purchase insurance policy either directly from the insurance company, through authorised agent, or banks/financial institutions which has bancassurance arrangement with insurance companies. If you are buying the insurance policy from an agent, please ensure that he/she is an authorised agent of the insurance company. If you have doubt, request for proof such as registration/authorisation card of the agent or contact the insurance company directly. All authorised agents are registered under Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) or Persatuan Insurans Hayat Malaysia (LIAM).
Premium payment
You have the choice to either pay the premium directly to the insurance company or through agents. You have to ensure payment is made under the insurance company?s name and also ensure that you receive the original receipt from the insurance company. Avoid making cash payment to the agents, if possible.
Investment and deposit taking
If you want to invest, please ensure the company has a VALID licence from the Authorities such as Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Securities Commission (SC) and Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK). You can contact BNM at 1-300-88-5465, SC (03-62048999/03-62048777) and KPDNKK (1-800-886-800) to verify the status of the companies.
High investment returns
Be cautious of any form of marketing strategy which promises high returns or profits without risk. High returns come with high risks. Make sure you gather additional information about the company.
SMS or prank calls
If you receive any SMS or call through your mobile phone, promising huge cash rewards with the condition that you are required to reply to the SMS or return the call, you have to substantiate first by checking with the Authority such as Bank Negara Malaysia. Always be cautious of such calls.
To get more tips on Financial Issues, go to this site.
Semoga perkongsian kali ini mendapat memberi anda sedikit sebanyak INFO mengenai ‘Pelaburan @ Skim Cepat Kaya’ yang selalu menjadi masalah orang ramai dan sudah ramai menjadi mangsa penipuan.
Hati-hati dalam memilih cara pelaburan dan syarikat yang menawarkan ‘Keuntungan’ yang berlipat kali ganda tanpa membuat sebarang tindakan.
Salam ceria,
Akademi JL